About Us

About Us

BRIT Education and Travel is a well-established London-based agency founded in 1996 to meet the demand in expert consulting in the area of UK education for students, professionals, businessmen, parents of young children, and heads and teachers of schools and universities from Russian-speaking countries. Every year we assist hundreds of individuals to come to study to the UK on the course of their choice, and their number grows each year, which we believe demonstrates that UK education in Russia and other Eastern European countries is becoming increasingly popular.

For 7-17 year old children we find summer courses that meet their need to improve their knowledge of English and have fun during holidays through lessons, sport, excursions and socialising with children from different countries. For senior school pupils aged 16+, university students, professionals and businessmen we offer an optimal combination of intensive classes and suitable accommodation in the location of their choice throughout the country. School graduates address us for help in finding the suitable programme of preparation to entering a UK University. For the parents wishing for their child to study at a UK boarding school, we help to shortlist the schools that meet parents’ expectations and child’s abilities, visit the selected schools, and go through the application and testing process in a stress-free way. For some our student we act as guardians for the whole duration of their studies.

We develop 1-2 week tailor-made programmes for groups of schoolchildren or students organized by University or school teachers. These trips would usually include studies, programme of sightseeing visits where they will explore the UK (often London) and British culture. We help Russian businesses to meet their UK colleagues, share ideas and experiences and establish partnership links. This is done through short-term visits of Russian specialist delegations (a team from one company or a group of representatives of different companies from the same industry) to the UK, where they meet similar UK businesses, attend trade shows and tailor-made seminars. Since 2006 we have been involved in organising the UK section of the Education and Career Fair in Russia, and are acting as the UK representative of the organisers of the Fair RTV-Media company. Our role includes coordination of the application process from the UK, visa & travel arrangements and logistics for UK participants during the event.

Brit Education is a founder member of BETA-British Educational Travel Association and London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.